Good morning! I don't know about y'all, but I had one heck of a 4-day weekend. My original lake plans didn't pan out (65 degrees and 100% chance of rain all weekend), so I was originally pretty bummed, but things turned out quite alright.
My weekend was filled with a surprise Bon Voyage party (complete with a cake resembling the Australian flag), extreme pool time, several BBQs, family, friends, fireworks, and homemade ice cream. That is one heck of a way to prep for a temporary hiatus from America.
Then I woke up this morning and this happened.
Sweet mother of wallabies. I leave for Australia tomorrow.
As I'm scrambling to cross to-dos off lists, throw clothes in suitcases, and give hugs that are tight enough to last for two months, I also want to take a step back and realize what I'm doing here. I'm going to live on the other side of the world, essentially by myself, for two months. Several people have asked me if I'm nervous, and I'm really not. I'm honestly just excited.
I see the next couple months as a blank canvas. God can write a whole new chapter of my story. New chapter. Blank pages. No words yet.
So with that amazing and overwhelming opportunity comes several prayer requests. So if/when you think of me over the next couple months and wondering how I'm doing, feel free to offer up a few prayer requests as well :)
Prayers for the Flight
I'm not an idiot. 17 hours is a long time on a plane. Pray for my sanity (not kidding), my eye (sometimes it's finicky on planes due to cabin pressure), and for a safe and uneventful flight. And if you also happen to pray that the person next to me is not a small screaming child, that would also be much appreciated :)
Prayers for my Eye
Right now I basically see an eye doctor every other month, and even so, I never feel anxious knowing one is always a quick drive away. So the fact that I'm flying far far away and won't have my doctors at my fingertips does make me a little nervous. Y'all, I'm praying for zero eye problems while I'm over there. No pain. No issues. I've had to "bend" to the needs of this eye several times in my life and I'm just really praying that I can just be me on this venture.
Now, I have done my due diligence and my Dallas doctor does have an Australian doctor on standby if need be, but I'm praying I won't need him :)
Prayers for Safety
I mean, I've seen my fair share of Lifetime movies. I know creepy not-cool things can happen to people. I also know not to walk in dark alleys at night by myself. I've been told Australia is a pretty safe continent, but if you could support my mom and sister in prayers for my safety (and peace of mind) that'd be great!
Prayers for the TRIP OF A LIFETIME
I am praying that God rocks my world on this trip. I'm currently in a "where is my life going?" "what's my purpose?" "what do you want me to do with my life?" phase right now (it happens, we all go through it), and I'm really praying that God shows me something. I have a slightly busy jam-packed life here in the USofA, so sometimes I really struggle at the "be still and know" part. My spiritual life could use some TLC. So I'm praying for a spiritual spa treatment :)
So those are my prayers. And I would truly be honored if you'd join me in them. I will still be blogging about my adventures and will likely post more pictures (of animals) on social media than you care to see. And I'll also likely be quite snapchatty.
You can follow me:
on Facebook here
on Instagram here
on Twitter here
Snapchat handle: katy688
See? So many ways to Keep up with Katy.
My blog title has never felt more appropriate. :)
Until next time,
Good luck! Rooting for you and sending prayers. Have an AMAZING journey!