Today I'm linking up on a new link-up called What's Up Wednesday. It's a fun little list of questions that make you think. And while I normally discourage too much thinking on Wednesday, these are fun to think about :)

What I'm eating this week...
This week, well and this past month, I've jumped on the Shakeology bandwagon. Post-busy season I was eating entirely too much and none of it was healthy. I used to eat relatively well and honestly enjoyed it, but I needed something to jump start the process of getting back into it. My friend Emily and her big sister Sarah introduced me to Shakeology and I honestly love it. At first I was a bit skeptical, but after the first week I actually looked forward to that shake once a day! And I'm eating a lot less and a lot healthier these days :)
What I'm reminiscing about...
Italy. Hands down. Last April I went to Italy with my parents and it has been forefront on the brain lately. I just really want to go back! ASAP!
What I'm loving...
My pup. This handsome street dog turned 6 this past month! No matter how the day was, good or bad, I always come home to an eager face that's happy to see me.
My pup. This handsome street dog turned 6 this past month! No matter how the day was, good or bad, I always come home to an eager face that's happy to see me.
What I've been up to...
My client filed their quarter in April, so it wasn't an overly exciting month - but I DID go to my very first Mavs game this past Sunday! I had never been so Jeff bought us tickets to the playoffs...aaaand we were a couple of good luck charms because they were 0 -3, but they rocked it out on Sunday night! Guess we should have gone last night, too....
Plus we attended the ACMs this month...can't forget about those!
What I'm dreading...
Off the top of my head, I'm really not dreading anything. And I consider that a good thing - so I don't want to dwell too long on trying to think of something that makes me unhappy :)
Off the top of my head, I'm really not dreading anything. And I consider that a good thing - so I don't want to dwell too long on trying to think of something that makes me unhappy :)
What I'm working on...
Organizing my life. Kelsey and I have been working on our "adult" lately. We're cleaning out closets, cooking healthy meals, budgeting, reading more, going on nightly walks - but man. Having your life together is no small feat. Oh well, baby steps. It's definitely something I'm working on.
What I'm excited about...
I have my 5-year Boston anniversary this June, so we decided to make a family affair out of it and all take an extended weekend trip! We booked our flights last week so the anticipation has begun! OH - and we bought our Red Sox tickets. I'm smiling just thinking about it. I love when my whole family gets together. So stinking excited for this trip!
What I'm watching/reading...
I've been watching a lot of DWTS this month. This is the show Jeff and I watch together (we're a couple of harsh critics), and thanks to work and busy schedules, we've done a lot of catch-up this month. AND last night they had the anniversary special starring my girl-crush Melissa Rycroft, aaaand since Jeff was working late I asked nicely if I could watch without him. Sweet man obliged :)
What I'm listening to... This will probably be the answer to this question every month.
What I'm wearing...
Hah. Well right now I'm wearing jammies, a fuzzy purple robe, and my accessory is my coffee cup. BUT - other than that I've been wearing a lot of workout clothes! See my new additions to the fitness wardrobe here.
What I'm doing this weekend...
I'M GOING TO NEWSIES!!! My love for this musical runs deep. Way deep. I'm a musical junkie but this is hands down my favorite. My mom, sister and I went to see it on Broadway during out NYC Christmas visit and I cried I was so happy. Well it's coming to Dallas and I'm seeing it! Twice! But the first time is this weekend - so that's #1 on my weekend to-do list!
What I'm looking forward to next month...
Let's see - what does May hold? Well, other than seeing Newsies twice, I'm celebrating my sweet mama for Mother's Day and my sweet big sister's birthday! I hope to attend my first Rangers game of the season, Jeff and I are officially joining our church, I might squeeze in a trip to Canton, and probably will continue to work on my adult. But more on that to come in my May goals :)
and the seasonal question for the month...
What am I buying my mom for Mother's Day?
Well, Mama Sue reads this here blog. Therefore, I cannot say :)
Depending on what time you read this - only 2 (or 3) more days until the weekend!
Until next time,
Until next time,
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