Monday, December 14, 2015

KUWK Christmas: Days 7-13

So I really had no intention of waiting this long to do this post - but once you get to days 11, 12, and 13, you'll understand why I'm just now getting around to it. 

We're officially 13 days into December (yes, I realize it's the 14th, but it's 6 a.m. and the only thing Christmassy I've done so far is drink Christmas coffee), and I must say - this little challenge is hard. It's mainly hard on weeknights when I work late. But - like I said in the beginning, I don't have to do something big every day...just something. 

And so far, so good :)

So here we go! KUWK's 25 Days of Christmas - Days 7 - 13!

Monday night consisted of Winter Oreo Bark and I'll Be Home for Christmas (the JTT kind). 

I will always have a crush on teenage Jonathan Taylor Thomas. I was obsessed with Home Improvement growing up (like I recorded any episode that revolved around him on VCR), and proceeded to watch any and every movie he made. This one was no exception. In fact, I remember that me and my sister went and saw this in the theatre. And when we parked we couldn't get out of the car yet because she had to finish singing Tim McGraw's "Something Like That" which was on the radio at the time. Crazy what you remember.

But yes - day seven was baking and a movie. If you haven't watched this in a while I highly suggest it (JTT and Jessica Biel circa 1998), and if you missed my winter oreo bark recipe last week you can find it here! Two ingredients; twenty minutes. It's that easy!

Okay, Tuesday was rough. I worked really late and by the time I came home, I just wanted to collapse into a giant heap of worthlessness. But alas - I did so in a Christmassy way! Day 8 consisted of a bubble bath, Christmas novel (I was reading Winter Stroll at the time), and a Frosted Gingerbread candle. And for purposes of keeping this blog PG - you only get a picture of the candle :)

I'm actually on my third holiday book this month - so I'll be posting a December book review either later this week or next!

Wednesday is for Wrapping!  
And no I'm not dorky enough to have planned it like that (although that's something I totally would do), it honestly just crossed my mind.

Wednesday I needed to wrap some gifts primarily to get them out of my room. My space is limited in my room and I've stubbed my toe on my mom's Christmas gift approximately 32 times now walking into my bathroom. It was time to get that mess under the tree where it belongs!
 When I showed you my Christmas decor, you saw I have a blue/silver tree, and a red/green/gold tree. Well both trees have to have presents. No scrooge here. So, I did the noble and just thing and bought wrapping paper that matched both trees! And while I would show you the finished product of my wrapping, I forgot to buy bows. So you shall see said finished product once I find some.

On Thursday night, Jeff and I went to the opening Christmas show at our church!

In years past, I wasn't able to go because I was dancing in the Prestonwood show, so I was excited to see what it was all about this year! And let me tell you - it was quite entertaining! The entire show is a parody of Disney music (which I ate right up) and the talent was just amazing. The show is over for the year, but if they do it again next year - be sure to put it on your list! 

Friday was a pretty special (and ridiculously long) day for my family. We had our first Christmas baby!! Sweet little Easton joined us at 9:09 p.m. on Friday night. Yes. 9:09. I got to the hospital a little before 8a that morning. We all thought it would happen around lunchtime. Joke's on us. Nevertheless, he arrived, and he's precious, and he's the first December baby in our family. So we're all currently in a state of smitten right now. 

My sister. Mother of two. She's a champ. Plus she didn't have food for like 16 hours - so she's like the champ of all champs. 

So what did we do in the waiting room all the day long? A little of this, and a little of that. And then dad and I found the Hallmark channel. YES. 

He told me if I post this anywhere I don't get Christmas, but it makes me laugh and I just had to. So hopefully he just doesn't read this post. We love our Hallmark :)

So after a long Day 11, I packed up and headed to Oklahoma City for a Christmas wedding! My friend (and former roommate for two years), Lauren, got married to her man in a winter wonderland. Seriously - it was so pretty. Christmas EVERYWHERE! Including this gorgeous, massive, real tree that was flown in from Colorado. Yes - trees make air travel if you didn't know.

Me, Megan and Kristie - waiting to get this party started!

The beautiful bride!

Also - these are my work people. They are a complete hot mess and I love them. Seriously - the most entertaining crew on the dance floor!

My main squeeze :)

And THEN, after the reception, the bride had to tinkle. Hey - it's life. It happens. And what do you do when you're in a giant poufy dress and need to visit the ladies room? Take a couple of your girlfriends with you for assistance! That's friendship right there.

On Sunday we all drove back to Dallas and then I headed on down to Midlothian to cuddle with my sweet nephew! Who is just the sweetest thing ever by the way.

And he already praises the Lord. Glory hallelujah can I get an amen?!

This is the point of the blog where I really could just put up about 30 pictures I took while holding him. But I'll just leave you with a couple more...

Easton and his granddaddy! Look at both those smiles :)

And also - Jeff's first time to burp a baby. This picture kind of melts my heart a little bit. He's so little!!

And then I came home and did the only thing I could possibly entertain doing after that crazy long weekend. I watched the new Hallmark movie. 

And it was a great one by the way! I highly recommend it :)

(big deep massive breath) 

And THERE are Days 7-13. 

Last week of work this week and then it's full speed ahead to the 25th! Are y'all ready?! Hope so!


Until next time,


  1. I LOVE I'll be home for Christmas! Such a great holiday movie!
