It's hotdog baseball season!!!
In honor of the Texas Rangers' opening weekend this past weekend, I thought I'd do a little tribute to America's favorite pastime! So, funny thing....I hate sports. I didn't play them, I don't understand them, and I don't really care to watch them on TV. All the people that love me know this. And they accept it.
Since I moved to Dallas in 2011, baseball has really grown on me. I've actually gotten better about sports in general, but I'm constantly looking at the Rangers' schedule and found myself counting down to the start of the season this year.
Me and Seester (melting) at my first Rangers game in 2011 |
But I still don't care for sports. So why do I thoroughly enjoy the one outdoor sport in hot Texas summers?
Here's what I have come up with...
1. My dad's love of the game
It is no secret that I am a daddy's girl. Well, this is his sport of choice. He's loved baseball since way before me, so I grew up associating baseball with my dad. We even threw him a baseball themed surprise birthday party a couple years ago. This is a pretty big factor because I'm pretty sure if my dad loved football, I'd eventually embrace football.
Growing up in Beaumont, we were Houston Astros fans. Biggio and Bagwell are the two names that pop out of my childhood. I remember being little (around 10 or so) and the Astros doing something big and my dad started cheering so I started cheering and jumping on the couch (sorry, mom) and being so stinking excited for something I knew nothing about. But dad was excited, so I was too!
Ever since I've moved to Dallas, I've given dad a "weekend in Dallas" for Father's Day and it always includes a Rangers game!
2012 Game |
2013 Game |
2014 Game - look at that smile! |
I bought him that shirt before his first game in 2012 and he's worn it ever since. Maybe I should get him red one this year :)
2. It's not hard to "get"
It's slow enough for me to understand. There are way too many rules in basketball, I always lose the ball in football (hello - there's an 8-person pile up and I'm supposed to know who 'got' it?), I have zero clue about anything soccer related, and hockey games are cold and loud. So baseball it is folks.
3. Good 'girls night/date night' venue
Because it's slow-paced, you can hear yourself have a conversation. How lovely. Yes, there are times when everyone hoots and hollers, but for the most part, it's pretty chill.
Date Nite - September 2014 |
In fact, me and my girls have been known to buy the 50 cent tickets, sit at the top of the bleachers and just hang out!
This was in 2012. Don't judge the instagram filter....couldn't find the original |
These are especially nice on weeknights when the weather is still cool. It's a cool venue with a different atmosphere and really good food. Which leads me to....
4. Hot dogs.
I have a serious (kind of sick) love of hot dogs. I remember I went to a friends' birthday party when I was a kid and ate three hotdogs... so the kid's mom called my mom. I'm like what? I like hotdogs. Gimme them dogs.
And you know what happens every other Wednesday night at that ballpark in Arlington?
Em shares my love of dollar hotdog night :) |
I'm pretty sure this picture above is from a 50 cent ticket night. So that right there was a pretty cheap girls night....
Don't get me wrong.. I love the chicken baskets, too. Pretty sure on this trip Mercedes and I got 2 hotdogs, 2 chicken baskets, and 2 things of fries to "split".....
5. The seventh-inning "shop"
You may call it the seventh inning stretch, but I always stretch myself over to the Rangers store, so for me, it's the seventh inning shop!! Rangers gear is just so cute. I was just online shopping for some gear yesterday! The more games I go to....the more outfits I need!!
6. Blue Bell in a baseball hat
This doesn't need explanation. All I know is they better get this "contamination" thing under wraps cause if I don't have Blue Bell in 100 degree weather...well...I don't know what I'll do but I won't be happy!!
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The "hat" from the ice cream J bought me at our first Rangers game :) |
So that's why I love baseball, y'all. It may have absolutely NOTHING to do with the actual game....but does that really matter? Nah. I don't think so :) For me, it's all about the fellowship!
Me and Brooklyn at her first game last year! |
Family night at the ballpark! |
Prepare to see several Rangers pictures over the next few months! Happy Monday everyone!
Until next time,
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