Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Favorites


Which shockingly, crept up on me this week...

But that's okay! I'm always ready for another weekend. Plus Friday means that, per usual, I'm linking up for some of my very favorites :) 

1 - BP Fringe Scarf

So earlier this week it occurred to me that I've been doing these Friday Favorite posts for quite some time now, but I have yet to share my very favorite scarf. Like for real, people - I live in this thing. And get compliments on it each and every time I wear it. And it's $20. And it comes in 7 different colors. Want me to keep going? 

Fine. It's incredibly soft, and while it keeps you warm, it's not all "up in your grill." Yes, I indeed just said "up in your grill."  It's a must have for you, and a wonderful gift idea for a female friend/family member. This is actually the scarf I brought to my scarf exchange last month! Check them out here.


2 - Pumpkin Spice Coffee Cake

If you didn't stop by here yesterday, you have got to try this pumpkin spice coffee cake. And hurry! Pumpkin months are running out! It has a touch of sweet, a touch of spice, and a streusel on top. So basically it's the very best friend of a giant piping hot cup of coffee. 


3 - Frame Skinny Jeans


For those of you who are new around here....I don't wear jeans. I think they look really weird on me and aren't comfortable. But THEN - I went to Trunk Club on Saturday with Kelsey (cause she's legit and is a TC Stylist), and she made me try on these babies. And I fell in love. They feel good, I feel like I look good - I just love them. Find the brand here.

First pair of jeans purchased in over a decade people. Big deal. Huge favorite.

And note the scarf - I told you I wore it all the time. No shame.


4 - Hot Pursuit

 Okay, so I realize this movie came out in May of this year, but I never saw it. Honestly, I thought it was going to be quite stupid. I flew to LA for work earlier this week and saw that this was an option for my in-flight entertainment, so I gave it a try. 

Y'all. I laughed so hard on the plane. 

Like I was obnoxious. I was laughing so hard I was crying. And the guy next to me just started laughing at how hard I was laughing. And then the flight attendants started laughing because I couldn't give them my drink order. Because I was laughing. I don't know if I was in a giddy mood or what, but I highly recommend this movie. Oh man. So many giggles.


5 - Updated Alanis Morissette "Ironic" Lyrics


Uhhhh have y'all seen this? Brilliant. If you're a 90s child you must listen (here) to these updated lyrics. I was cracking up. I vividly remember sitting at a Sonic listening to my sister singing this song and I was like "I HAVE to learn these lyrics!" - not knowing what any of them meant. Much less what an irony was. But now I do, and I still love the song - both versions :)


And those are my Friday Favorites!!

I'm headed down to Wacotown with Jeff since OU and Baylor play each other this weekend. Unfortunately there can only be one winner. It might be a pretty silent car ride on the way back to Dallas.... 

OH  - and if you saw my post about the Prestonwood Gift of Christmas show and still need tickets, they added an additional show! Tickets went on sale TODAY so you can still get good seats! Find tickets here.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

Until next time,


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