Monday, August 3, 2015

August Goals

Hello, August. 

August means lots of things. It means the grocery stores are flooded with all kinds of new colored pens, highlighters, and spiral notebooks. It means there's inevitably going to be more traffic in the mornings. It means we can stop secretly hating our teacher friends for sleeping in for the past two months. And it means only 4 more weekends til football season. Sic 'em.

This month I'm doing a little something different in the way of monthly goals. This is in part due to the fact that I maybe accomplished two of my six July goals. Normally I kick off the monthly goals with a recap of how we did on the previous month's goals, but I can go ahead and tell you - we didn't do so hot. We did fall back in love with reading and we did cook more, but as for the rest? Meh. So if you want to see what my ambitious July goals were, click here.

What are we doing differently this month? Here is my [one] goal:

This month, I'm not micromanaging myself. Don't get me wrong, I fully believe in setting monthly goals and making lists to get things done, but sometimes, I think you gotta just focus on your happy. I ran across this little quote on April's blog and it really hit home for me....
 I nodded my head, raised my hand, and proclaimed an 'amen' when I read this. 

Yes, it is great to have an organized closet, it is great to not let your dirty laundry overflow its basket, and it's great to do all of those little things that make you feel like you 'adult' better. They're all important. But are they really the most important? 

If you knew you had only three months to live, would you focus on making your bed every morning and dusting your furniture? Probably not. You would focus on living, and spending every day doing something that makes you happy. 

I'm not saying we should all quit our jobs, crumple up our to-do lists, and run around like dirty hooligans, but every now and then I think it's okay, and important, to take a step back and just look at your life. You get 24 hours a day. Are you really spending them how you'd like to spend them? 

I am 1) a people pleaser and 2) over-committed. So my one "goal" this month is to reevaluate. I have a list (see? I didn't say give them up completely) of things I have been wanting to do for quite some time, but I just feel like days keep passing me by. I tell myself I'm just too busy right now and I'll try again another day, but those days turn into months, and those months into years. Time never stops. Life does have the ability to pass you by. It's your job not to let it. 

This goal can look different for everyone. That's what's so awesome about it. I'm not even sure what this looks like for me! I have a hunch, some ideas more or less, but really I just want to take it day by day. To be proud of what I accomplished when I lay my head down at night. To know that I am here for purpose that is much more than sitting at a desk for 8+ hours. 

So in August, I'm doing the happy. And I challenge you to do the same. You all know how fast the fall months fly by. Take the next four weeks to take a refresher course in "you."

Until next time,


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